Hi all,

I have created a lib/RT/Condition/ZabbixEventStatusChange.pm which
contains the following (pruned down to the relevant part):

sub IsApplicable {
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self->TransactionObj->Field =~ /zabbix_event_status/) {
    else {

Also, I added


      Name                 => 'On zabbix_event_status Change',
              # loc
      Description          => 'Whenever a ticket\'s
zabbix_event_status changes',    # loc
      ApplicableTransTypes => 'Set',
      ExecModule           => 'ZabbixEventStatusChange',

to @ScripConditions in etc/initialdata .

I have four questions regarding this:

1) Is the this the correct thing to do? If not, what is the correct
approach? The condition does not show up in RT, even after an Apache
restart which included killing the mason cache, so I probably did
something wrong.

2) Is =~ /foo/ the correct thing to do, here? I decided to play it save
and not match too narrowly, atm.

3) What happens if a user sets his locale to, say, french, for which I
did not provide a translation. Will RT fall back gracefully?

4) Can I overlay .po files? I did not even try as I suspect that will
not work, anyway.

All feedback extremely appreciated. RT fits our needs better and better,
I just need to iron out the last few things, including this one :)


PS: If someone can tell me how to merge tickets from within the scrip I
am writing, that would be awesome. Else, I will just figure it out,
myself :)

PPS: The goal is to merge all tickets our Zabbix instances create to
inform us of trigger changing to OFF into the tickets which set the
initial ON for the tuple of zabbix instance & event id. If anyone needs
such a thing for themselves, I will share, gladly.

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