I successfully migrated a RT 2.0.15 system to RT 3.8.1.  Everything worked 
quite well, with only 2 small stumbling blocks:

1) The importer didn't like to import tickets/queues that were disabled.  So, I 
re-enabled all the queues, did a new dump/import.  All went well.

2) I had to modify how mysql started: 
  --max_allowed_packet=128M     as recommended at 
http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/PgToMySQL  to get rid of a 'max allowed 
packet' error I got.

I have a question/issue with RT3.8.1 though.  On the main menu, "RT at a 
glance", everything looks great.  However, the section titles:  "10 highest 
priority tickets I own", "10 newest unowned tickets", and "Bookmarked Tickets" 
are hyperlinks which give an error when clicked.  They appear to be trying to 
go to a 'localhost' address:




When the error is on the screen, if I replace 'localhost' with the system/ip 
and reload, the section comes up correctly.

Where is it getting 'localhost' ?



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