Let's be clear about this. Back in 1995 when we were using sun4m and P90s with 16mb of RAM, SSL was a problem. More than 100 SSL users and the machine would suffer a bit.

Do you have 10-year old machines? Do you have more than 100 concurrent users? (at the same time?)

If both of these aren't true, you won't have any problems with SSL trust me ;-) My personal colo box is a bit outdated -- it's 1.67g with 1gig of RAM, and it is currently handling 200-250 concurrent SSL sessions without breaking 2% CPU.

On Jan 23, 2009, at 7:05 AM, Eliezer E Chávez wrote:
CPU Time, with ssl i'm going to expend so much machine resources...


On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 10:32 AM, <jmose...@corp.xanadoo.com> wrote:
The easiest thing for you to do is have the entire site in SSL. Is there a particular reason you only want the login credentials passed using secure
sockets layer?

James Moseley

Eliezer E Chávez

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