I created an account in my mail server just for that.
I am imagining something like this:
1) RT wants to send a message to a recipient, then it requests localhost for
2) Localhost is configured with exim4 and for every smtp request it
authenticates in the mail server with an specific account
3) The mail server sends the message.

Both are running Debian.
Mail server has postfix installed.

Bruno Guimarães Sousa
Ciência da Computação UFBA
Registered Linux user #465914

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Rob Munsch <rob.mun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Bruno Guimarães Sousa
> <brgso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > My RT instalation is working fine and retrieving emails through
> fetchmail.
> > But the last thing I need to configure is the mail sending. I have exim4
> > installed and it is not working to send emails when a ticket gets a
> answer
> > or a comment.
> > How can I configure that so that every message sended goes to another
> > server?
> It sounds like you need to tell exim4 that you have another "real"
> email server, called a smarthost.
> How you do this may depend on what that other server is and what
> flavor of *nix you're running.
> Generally, there's an Exim conf directive to tell your it "smarthost =
> server.name.tld" and what happens after that will also depend on how
> you need to auth to that mail server.
> --
> /chown -R us:us /yourbase

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