I'm using RT 3.8.1. There are three sections on the initial front page
with hyperlinks called "10 highest priority tickets I own", "10 newest
unowned tickets", and "Bookmarked Tickets". When I click on any of these
the link takes me to http://localhost/<rest of url>. So of course my
browser tries to look for this page on my local desktop but it doesn't

I've searched through the share/html and Elements directories for
something about this but I'm not a great web programmer and have trouble
following some of it. Also, I looked in my httpd.conf file to see if there
was some funky redirect or something but I see nothing. Is this a known
bug or something that people have seen before? I'd like to get these links
working. I don't know if its a problem with RT or something I need to do
with apache. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


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