

Im using this code in RT 3.8.2:



            my $attachments = $Transaction->Attachments;

            $attachments->Limit( FIELD    => 'Filename',

                                 OPERATOR => "=",

                                 VALUE    => '' );

            while ( my $message = $attachments->Next )




So I can do a While trough all the attachments that aren't ticket "file 
attachments" but this isn't working. 


I saw this example 
(http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/AddAttachmentLinksToMail) but here they 
want the attachments. When I changed the OPERATOR from != to = it doesn't work. 
What am I missing?


I want to build a final message history to send to the client by email but I 
want to ignore the file attachments sent by the user in the email messages.

How can I do that?




Filipe Clemente



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