Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to add tickets automatically when a select a value of
a Custom field, I try to do this:

Condition: defined by user
Action: Create tickets
Template: Approved
Stage: TransactionCreate


return undef unless
($self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('test2') =~ /Oui/i);
return 1;


===Create-Ticket: codereview
Subject: Code review for {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
Depended-On-By: TOP
Queue: Test
Type: approval
Content: Someone has created a ticket. you should review and approve it, so
they can finish their work

This allows to create a ticket automaticlly when i Select 'Oui' on Custom
Field 'test2', i need also to transmit automaticlly a value of an other
custom field when i select 'Oui' on Custom Field 'test2', please can you
tell me how i can do this?

Thank you,

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