On 28 Apr 2009, at 7:01 pm, Asif Iqbal wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Tom Lahti <t...@bitstatement.net>  
> wrote:
>>> Ok now that upgrade completed on the test system, I now see 5000  
>>> more
>>> tickets already
>>> created on the production systems. Do I have to redo this whole  
>>> thing? I
>>> have binlog enabled
>>> since the beginning of the original instance. How do I append  
>>> those new
>> 500
>>> tickets?
>>> I guess I am now on a catchup game :-)
>> You're gonna have to shut down the production instance during the
>> conversion.  No way around it.  Stay late and bring pizza and beer ;)
> I am looking for a way to use the binlogs to add the new tickets to  
> the test
> server
> That way I don't have to dump the whole database again and the  
> import and
> all that
> from the beginning.

There's no simple way to do that because the schema has changed, so  
your binary logs can't be applied to the new server.  When I updated  
our RT I did what the last person suggested; shut down the production  
RT, dump, load, upgrade, bring up new production RT.


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