Thanks for the reply.  Can we please just overlook the "silly" signature?  The 
message gets appended on all outgoing e-mail from our organization!

Anyhow, I get the gist how to modify the file.  I'm just wondering if someone 
could provide me with some examples?  That would be greatly appreciated.  
Thanks, once again. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Greene []
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 6:43 PM
To: Eric Chatham; Ruslan Zakirov
Subject: RE: [rt-users] New to RT and need help with RT_SiteConfig.PM

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf
> Of Eric Chatham
> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:12 PM
> To: Ruslan Zakirov
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] New to RT and need help with RT_SiteConfig.PM
> Sorry about the second e-mail.  On the first one, I received
> an undeliverable NDR when I tried posting.
> Thank you for the reply.  There is no step called "make
> initdb" on the installation guide I'm using for CentOS 5.1
> from the wiki.
> There is a "rt-setup-database --action init" command though.
> I ran this command with the --dba and --dba-password flags,
> using root and the root password.
> I'm still unsure how to configure the perl module.
> Eric Chatham
> CONFIDENTIAL.  This e-mail and any attached files are
> confidential and should be destroyed and/or returned if you
> are not the intended and proper recipient.

Sorry for being a little pedantic, but....

First, please don't top post, the flow of the conversation gets lost if you do, 
Second, this is a mailing list, your signature is more than a little silly in 
this case.

Now on to the meat of the issue:
The best way to configure your is to open it in your favourite 
editor (vi, emacs, or nano) and then edit what is there using the 
as a guide to what you can change. In most cases, both of these files will be 
located in /etc/rt3/. In most cases, a minimal configuration will override the 
default rtname, organization, webpath, webdomain, and timezone.

These, and other options are fairly well documented in

Gary L. Greene, Jr.
IT Operations
Minerva Networks, Inc.
Cell:  (650) 704-6633
Phone: (408) 240-1239

CONFIDENTIAL.  This e-mail and any attached files are confidential and should 
be destroyed and/or returned if you are not the intended and proper recipient.

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