Well, to reiterate what I said, I did try other Apache2 pages while it
was broken.  They load just fine with no errors, including Perl
scripts.  CPU load is 0%, Load is 0.01 or around there across the
board.  Memory is about the same as after the VM boots up (about 100MB
in use).  The logs say exactly the same thing as in my first E-Mail.
I'm not sure how else to narrow it down.  Nothing else is
disfunctional in the VM except for RT.  I have also rebuilt this VM
from scratch about 4 times now trying to see if perhaps that is an
issue in and of itself, and the error is recurring.

Any other ideas?  I can't seem to narrow it down any more using these methods.

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Tom Lahti <t...@bitstatement.net> wrote:
> Kage wrote:
>> Same error is occurring with 1GB of memory on the VM.  Everything else
>> in Apache works just fine, but RT is dead until I restart Apache2.
> As I said before:
>>>>> But I would start by looking for more clues when the system is in the "not
>>>>> working" state.  Look at memory usage, CPU usage, and the like.  See if
>>>>> apache is responding to other non-RT page requests.  Doing so will help
>>>>> you narrow it down.
> In other words, when it breaks next, DON'T just restart apache2.  Log into
> the system and poke around _while its broken_.  Try to load a web page
> through apache that is not RT-related _while its broken_.  Look at the
> memory usage _while its broken_.  Look at CPU load _while its broken_.  Poke
> around in all the logs you have in /var/log for recent messages.  See if you
> can narrow it down any.
> Taking wild stabs and guesses at stuff is a pet peeve of mine; it is not
> "problem-solving".  Be deterministic rather than guessing and you'll be more
> efficient (and learn to be more self-sufficient at the same time).
> --
> -- ============================
>   Tom Lahti
>   BIT Statement LLC
>   (425)251-0833 x 117
>   http://www.bitstatement.net/
> -- ============================

~ Kage

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