Did you apply the schema updates as indicated in steps 4-6 of

James Moseley

Dominic Lepiane <dominic.lepi...@ptgrey.com> wrote:

Dear RT users,

I am trying to get our RT installation moved from RT 3.6.6 to 3.8.3.
I've tried following the upgrade steps in the UPGRADING.mysql and the
README files as diligently as I can.  The DBMS is MySQL 5.0.45.  I
updated all the perl modules... When I try the new version, everything
coming in works okay, but all the old binary attachments are broken, in
truth, anything other than regular ascii is mangled (e.g. diacritical
marks like é, ô, ç etc).  If I try to open an image, it says "The image
http://rt/Ticket/Attachment/672/883/spots1.bmp"cannot be displayed,
because it contains errors.".

Clearly I've either missed something or something has to be done to
convert this data.  If I convert the Content column back to longtext
from longblob, then the binary data works again.

Please advise what can I do to get the data into the new table schema.


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