On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Rich West <rich.w...@wesmo.com> wrote:

> That works as expected in the development environment.  However, in the
> production environment, it gives up after the first command.
> Interestingly, when viewing the email within the RT web UI, every line
> (when submitted via the web form) has an extra carriage return in it,
> causing a blank line between each line.  When I select to download the
> message (with headers), the message looks correct.  I'm not convinced
> that this symptom isn't a red herring, but I thought it was worth
> mentioning.

Extra carriage returns is a bit of a red flag.

By chance, in your production environment are the emails being sourced from
a windows client of some sort such that you get ^M^N end-of-line markers
instead of ^N end-of-line markers (windows vs. unix)...

If you washed the emails through dos2unix before feeding them to the mail
command handlers, I suspect things would work normally again.

Well.. maybe that's grasping at straws a little, but reading your email
that's the first thing that came to mind for me.


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