On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:47:53AM -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 08:46:15AM -0700, Ken Crocker wrote:
> > To list,
> > 
> > Does anyone know what the latest viable Perl versio we can use for RT 
> > 3.8.x is? We trying to get grid of a bunch of perl versions here and I 
> > want to ensure we are using the latest for RT. Thanks.
> 5.8.9 or 5.10.1 should be fine. 5.10.0  should be avoided.

Could you give any more information on this? I ask because we're
supporting users running RT 3.6 in Debian stable with Perl 5.10.0,
as well as RT 3.6 in Debian oldstable with Perl 5.8.8,
and I'm curious as to what possible problems we might be in for
(though we've seen none).

Here at work we're also running RT 3.8 with perl 5.8.8 and haven't
seen any problems.


Dominic Hargreaves, Systems Development and Support Team
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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