What's the interest out there for a several-order-of-magnitudes-faster
set of export-import scripts a-la RT::Extension::RT2toRT3 ?

I currently have code capable of exporting the data from an RT
database with over 181,000 tickets and over 117,000 user accounts in
under four hours.

The import script is not yet complete, but I'm shooting for similar
performance gains. All that's left is the ticket import which is
proving to be more difficult to get right (with the necessary
performance) than I initially hoped. If anybody has a *much* faster
means of importing the tickets themselves, I would love to integrate
that code!

The intermediate data format is *exactly* the same as produced by the
scripts in RT::Extension::RT2toRT3.

My versions of these scripts only work on postgresql, but they could
probably be modified to work just as well on mysql with little effort.

-- Steve Scaffidi <step...@scaffidi.net>

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