
We have a 6 year old install of RT 3.4.2 running on fedora core 2, I want
to update this to the newest version - 3.8.2. As we need to use RT most of
the time I am currently testing the new version on a different PC.
(intention is to schedule some downtime once my test version is working to
rebuild the original).

I have done a mysql dump, and imported it onto a new fresh build of fedora
10 with mysql 5 and apache 2, however if i do this, when browsing RT i get
logged out every 30 seconds or so. If i setup a new install without
importing the data this does not happen... very strange?

Also, I can't see how to setup RT to talk to my mailserver? I've found a
bit about /etc/aliases but can't see anywhere for it to point to the IP of
my mailserver? Does anyone have any ideas?

Any help appreciated,



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