>> I can fix this by giving then AdminUser and ShowConfig but I was
>> hoping to avoid this if possible
>> Does anyone recall if this was an option in 3.8.2?
>> Is there a config setting that we may have to adjust?

Yeah, this is an unfortunate instance of insufficient granularity in
RT's ACLs. I need my queue admins to be able to be able to edit
existing users (update addresses, etc), so I've granted them these
rights. I see no problem with it though, since there are plenty of
other Config Tab things could legitimately use e.g; queue templates;
and those they oughtn't have internal checks for SuperUser. The only
thing I had to do (still using 3.8.2) was add an overlay on
Admin/User/Modify.html that checked for SuperUser before changing a
user's password.

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