Ø  Where did you find that? I don't remember any instructions on having to use 
quotes around a CF name. Did I miss that or did you come by that info via trail 
& error?

Working with RT for 8 years, you come across all sorts :¬)

From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com 
[mailto:rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 20:59
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection


That did it. Where did you find that? I don't remember any instructions on 
having to use quotes around a CF name. Did I miss that or did you come by that 
info via trail & error?

Now, again, I owe you MORE beer. ;-).


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Raed El-Hames 
<raed.el-ha...@vialtus.com<mailto:raed.el-ha...@vialtus.com>> wrote:

Can't see much wrong , the only thing I noticed CF.{DS-SubjectArea} should be 
Not sure if it makes any difference
As a first step, I would suggest as you  are directed to the Advanced page, add 
the ' around the CF name and hit apply, then see what happens and if you can 
search, if it works, then the next step is finding out why its not adding ' in 
the first place.


 On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 17:15

To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com<mailto:rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com>
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection


Just keep it up guy, and I'm gonna end up owing you an entire brewery. ;-).

This is what is in "Advance":

( Queue = 'DS-BRS' OR Queue = 'DS-Development' ) AND CF.{DS-SubjectArea} = 

and it won't let me get out of it. If I hit "ShowResults", it just shows ALL 
tickets in those two Queues, regardless of the CF value.

The funny thing is, I checked the DB records and the values are there, the 
OBJECTCUSTOMFIELDVALUES records are there (not disabled) for several tickets, 
the Tickets show the values in Display, Privileges are correct for the group 
I'm in (plus I'm a SuperUser), CF is applied to these Queues (duh, wouldn't see 
them in Display otherwise), etc. All data in the DB seems quite correct. RT is 
being VERY STUBBORN about this.

Any ideas?

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:25 AM, Raed El-Hames 
<raed.el-ha...@vialtus.com<mailto:raed.el-ha...@vialtus.com>> wrote:
Hi Ken:

It usually throw you into the Advanced tab when the sql generated is not 
properly formatted into FromSQL ..
Can you share what you get in the advanced Query ? it may also be a problem in 
the displayed fields listed in Format.


 On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 00:40
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com<mailto:rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com>
Subject: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection

To List,

I'm getting a wierd result when trying to create a search looking for a certain 
value in a Custom Field that is applied to a couple Queues.
I check the Queues and add them, no problem. I check the Custom Field and add 
it and I am immediately thrown into "Advanced". Every change I make after that 
cannot be applied. I just end up back in the "Advanced" screen. It acts like 
there is no such Custom FIeld. I tried "Like" and "is" and no joy.

I've checked the Custom Field and it IS applied to those Queues.
The Values ARE available for "Select One"
I am a SuperUser so I should have rights to it, but I went ahead and added 
"AdminCustomField", "ModifyCustomField" and "SeeCustomField" to the group I'm 
in anyway. Still no joy.

When I run an SQL in SQL Navigator against the OBJECTCUSTOMFIELDVALUES Table 
with this code:

select *
where CustomField = 50111
  and (Content = 'Ledger' or Content = 'Expense');

I got 12 records. None are disabled.

I'm in 3.8.7 and Queries without Custom Fields are working fine.

Has anyone noticed this?

Was it mentioned awhile back and I missed it?

Thanks in advance.


RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

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