
I wouldn't mind embedding the logic in the template, in fact I tried that at 
first, but my decision making requires that I have access to 
$self->TransactionObj->NewValue from my CustomField.  I couldn't seem to get at 
this from the template itself.  I had trouble finding the right magic to access 
the Transaction's NewValue.  

I've seen code samples that use $Transaction within templates, but 
$Transaction->NewValue seems undef.  Are you aware of how I could get at 
Or perhaps as an alternative, a way to populate a variable in the Custom 
Condition that would then be accessible from the Template?  I'm sort of 
grasping at straws, but hoping that somehow I can get the Template to see the 
NewValue of my CustomField.  Once I have that, I can retrieve the email listing 
of users from the appropriate RT group and the rest is easy, and I would not 
need any user-defined action at that point.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Gene LeDuc
> Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 11:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Templates and custom ScripActions
> Hi Fran,
> On 10/22/2010 8:15 AM, Francis L Fabrizio wrote:
> > Do I have to do something specific when creating a Scrip and using
> Action: User Defined in order to get RT to process the associated
> template with the scrip?
> >
> > I have created a custom scrip, and just for testing purposes, I made
> the custom condition, custom action prep, and custom action cleanup all
> set to "return 1;", and associated my desired template with the scrip.
> The scrip fires and returns successfully, but the template is never
> touched.
> >
> > Are there specific steps I need to take in my custom action code in
> order to load, parse, and send notifications from a template?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Fran
> I'm using v3.6.3, so this may not be accurate with your setup.
> I know of ways to do what you want.
> The way I prefer to do it is to embed the code into the template.  I've
> found this to be fairly easy to do and it involves less code.  It can
> also be trickier to debug because the scrip doesn't tell you what
> action
> is being taken - it's all in the template.  It does make the template
> bigger.  Almost all of my templates have embedded decision-making and
> data-processing routines in them.  Here's a piece of one of my
> templates
> that builds a custom acknowledgment e-mail.
> { ### Tells user that ticket has been resolved
>    my $FromAddress = 'DNS Requests <someaddr...@domain>';
>    my $ContactAddress = 'm...@domain';
>    my $OwnerName = $Ticket->OwnerObj->RealName;
>    my $have_rmks;
>    my $c_content;
>    ### Get last Correspond
>    my $Transactions = $Ticket->Transactions;
>    $Transactions->Limit( FIELD => 'Type', VALUE => 'Correspond' );
>    $Transactions->OrderByCols (
>       { FIELD => 'Created',  ORDER => 'DESC' },
>       { FIELD => 'id',     ORDER => 'DESC' },
>    );
>    my $CorrespondObj = $Transactions->First;
>    if ($CorrespondObj && $CorrespondObj->Id) {
>      $c_content = $CorrespondObj->Content;
>      chomp $c_content;
>      $have_rmks =
> !$CorrespondObj->Attachments->First->GetHeader('Received');
>    }
> ### Lots of other code removed
>    my $AddressGroup = "From: $FromAddress";
>    $AddressGroup .= "\nCc: $Cc" if $Cc;
>    $AddressGroup .= "\nBcc: $Bcc" if $Bcc;
>    $OUT = "$AddressGroup
> Subject: Action completed
> The ticket that was opened for your request for host \"$mName\" has
> been
> resolved by $OwnerName.  If you have any questions about this, you can
> contact us at $ContactAddress.
> $remarks
> Regards,
> Your Friendly IT Staff";
> }
> Another way to do this that actually uses a user-defined action with a
> template is to make the calls to the appropriate RT routines from
> within
> your scrip code.  I did this with one of my scrips.
> I wanted to do some non-standard things with the recipients, so I
> modified RT's SetRecipients() routine and stuck it into my scrip, then
> I
> call it and make calls to the Prepare() and Commit() routines to build
> and send an e-mail using the designated template.
> ### Valid e-mail for ticket, send acknowledgment
> $self->SetRecipients();
> $self->SUPER::Prepare();
> $self->SUPER::Commit();
> sub SetRecipients {
>    ### custom routine to do non-standard things with the recipients
> }
> 1;
> The above code snippet is at the end of my scrip's "Custom action
> preparation code" block.
> Regards,
> Gene

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