Hi all,

We're using RT 3.8.4 on Ubuntu 10.10. I've noticed recently that the
textarea that is used to input comments on tickets is not displaying when
I'm using Google Chrome. I have 9.0.587.0 but the issue occurred on releases
prior to that. Nothing has changed for our setup except the updates to
Chrome, so I'm assuming that it's related.

If I use IE or Firefox - no problem.

>From the source produced by .../Ticket/Update.html, in firefox:

<textarea class="messagebox" cols="72" rows="15" name="UpdateContent" id=

In Chrome:

<textarea class="messagebox" cols="72" rows="15" name="UpdateContent"
id="UpdateContent" style="display: none; ">

I suspect this behavior is programmed in. It used to work OK. Is there
a workaround or a fix for this?



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