On 11/26/2010 09:45 AM, muell...@aschendorff.de wrote:
> The full text search function is poor, I even would call it broken.

Yeah, I completely agree.  The search is horrible.  I noticed, you don't
seem to get any results unless you select something from the drop down
list as you type your search.  For instance, if you search object, you
get no results, but as you type the word object, it shows you
'objectmodels'.  If you search for objectmodels, you'll get the page for

I REALLY miss the old wiki.  Why did we switch?  Was it a matter of the
funding for hosting the wiki?  If so, I'm sure someone would donate the
hosting for the wiki.  Heck, I'm sure I could even talk my boss into
hosting the wiki.

John Alberts
Hosted Services
Exlibris USA

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