On 10/12/20 9:05, Francis L Fabrizio wrote:
I ran the following command (figured out you meant --epoch, not --time  :-)

My bad. Internally the code uses "time" instead of "epoch".

# /usr/local/rt/sbin/rt-email-dashboards --debug --epoch 1292849980
Using time Mon Dec 20 06:59:40 2010
Sending email from helpd...@cas.uab.edu
[snip other users]
Checking fabrizio's subscriptions: hour 06:00, dow Monday, dom 20
Checking against subscription with frequency never, hour 06:00, dow Monday, dom 
[snip other users]

I could not trick it into sending the subscription.  However, it did send it to 
me at 6am this morning, as it has been every morning.

I notice that the debug output seems to think the subscription is only for "dom 
1".  Yet I still get it every morning.

The dow and dom attributes only apply when the subscription is weekly or monthly. But your subscription is "never" so they don't apply.

I'm especially stumped now that you can't get it to send you mail even though you're running rt-email-dashboards manually. Can you change your subscription in RT -- especially the hour -- to see if that affects the dashboard mail you shouldn't be getting?

Are you comfortable with forwarding me personally a copy of the dashboard email (sar...@bestpractical.com) after removing identifying information?


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