Chris Barnes wrote:

--> is there anyway for RT to indicate that there is "new information" in the ticket that we need to look at?

Yes, there is. I have a Callback for Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap/ColumnMap which tags a 'New Reply' to a ticket in my homepage elements. I got it from the wiki and think it is related or belongs to the entry about colouring the status/priority.

I'll attach my ColumnMap just in case.




# Show status in colour.
sub statusInColor {
        my $Ticket = shift;
        my $status = $Ticket->Status;
        my $css = "status" . lc $status;
        my $cssreply = "status" . lc "reply";
        my $LastUpdater = $Ticket->LastUpdatedByObj->EmailAddress;
        my $TicketRequestors = 
        my $TicketCC = $Ticket->Cc->MemberEmailAddressesAsString;
        my $CurrentUser = $session{'CurrentUser'}->EmailAddress;

# Added $CurentUser ne $LastUpdater to prevent showing New Reply tag when the 
last updater is the current user.
        if (($CurrentUser ne $LastUpdater) && ($TicketRequestors =~ 
$LastUpdater) || ($TicketCC =~ $LastUpdater))
                my $txn = $Ticket->SeenUpTo or return \"<div 
#       my $TicketLink = RT->Config->Get('WebPath') 
."/Ticket/Display.html?id=". $Ticket->id. "#txn-".$txn->id;
# Comment out the line above and uncomment the following line to mark posts as 
seen when following link.
                my $TicketLink = RT->Config->Get('WebPath') 
."/Ticket/Display.html?id=". $Ticket->id ."&MarkAsSeen=1".  "#txn-".$txn->id;
                $status = "<div class=\"$css\">$status <a 
href=\"$TicketLink\"><span class=\"$cssreply\">New Reply</span></a></div>";
        else {
                $status = "<div class=\"$css\">$status</div>";

        return \"$status";


# Show extended status in colour. This will change the front page and other 
search pages where the ExtendedStatus is displayed.
sub extStatusInColor {
        my $Ticket = shift;
        if ( my $count = $Ticket->HasUnresolvedDependencies ) {
                my $status;

                if ( $Ticket->HasUnresolvedDependencies( Type => 'approval' )
                                or $Ticket->HasUnresolvedDependencies( Type => 
'code' ) ) {
                        $status = "<em>" . loc('(pending approval)') . "</em>";
                } else {
                        $status = "<font color=#000090><em>" . loc('(pending 
[quant,_1,other ticket])',$count) . "</em></font>";
                return \$status;
        } else {
                return statusInColor($Ticket);


# Set the priority numbers to a colour.
sub PriorityInColor {
        my $Ticket = shift;

        my $priority = $Ticket->Priority;
        my $colors = undef;

# Change priority numbers to reflect your priority system.
        if ($priority >= '50') {
                $colors = "#FF0000";
        } elsif ($priority >= '45') {
                $colors = "#FF2000";
        } elsif ($priority >= '40') {
                $colors = "#FF4000";
        } elsif ($priority >= '35') {
                $colors = "#FF6A00";
        } elsif ($priority >= '30') {
                $colors = "#FF6600";
        } elsif ($priority >= '25') {
                $colors = "#FFA000";
        } elsif ($priority >= '20') {
                $colors = "#0033CC";
        } elsif ($priority >= '15') {
                $colors = "#809FFE";
        } elsif ($priority >= '10') {
                $colors = "#004600";
        } elsif ($priority >= '5') {
                $colors = "#006400";
        } elsif ($priority >= '0') {
                $colors = "#009000";

        if ($colors) {
                $priority = "<div style=\"color: $colors;\">$priority</div>"

                return \"<b>$priority</b>";

# Comment out any line to disable colour change.
$COLUMN_MAP->{Priority}->{value} = \&PriorityInColor;
$COLUMN_MAP->{Status}->{value} = \&statusInColor;
$COLUMN_MAP->{ExtendedStatus}->{value} = \&extStatusInColor;

$COLUMN_MAP => undef

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