On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 03:14:17PM +0100, Lars Reimann wrote:
> the following problem is very annoying:
> RT Encodes Subject lines using the following concept:

Which version of RT

> Original example Header
> Subject: 
> =?UTF-8?B?W3NlcnZpY2UubWV0YXdheXMubmV0ICM2NzAyOF0gU3BlaWNoZXJwbGF0eiBF?=
>  =?UTF-8?B?cmjDtmh1bmcgd2FzbWFpbjogNTAwIEdC?=
> The header is split into 2 parts:
> 1st part decoded: "[Queue Name #Ticket nubmer] First part of subject line"
> 2nd part decoded: "Second part of subject line"
> Completely decoded string: "[Queue Name #Ticket nubmer] First part
> of subject line"_"Second part of subject line"
> The underscore (_) marks an additional space character which is
> introduced into ALL emails on decoding the two UTF parts.
> I double checked with decoding UTF in python. Results: When using 2
> UTF parts, a decode introduces an additional space. When using only
> ONE UTF-string (the above subject w/o padding and UTF header) the
> decode is done correctly!
> If would be very glad the resolve this problem. If RT could use only
> one UTF string, the problem would go away.
> How can we do that?
> And: does anyone have the same problem with email clients (we use
> evolution and thunderbird, but most likely other clients are also
> affected).
> p.s. It's unclear to me when UTF encoding is used. Sometimes the
> Subject line is not UTF encoded and uses ASCII. Perhaps it depends
> on non-ASCII characters within the subject.
> greetings,
> l.r.

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