On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 01:44:01PM +0200, Bart wrote:
> Hi,
> We are currently working on migrating to Request Tracker.
> The step on which we are now is creating a proof of concept, this is coming
> along pretty nicely.
> With the O'Reilly book + mailing lists + wiki at hand we're getting there,
> just filling out the specific details :)
> I do however want to look at a road bump ahead, which is migrating the old
> ticket date into RT.
> We have the ability to export all the current date to CSV format, keeping
> those fields that we feel are fit for RT. (the old/current ticketing system
> is Assyst from Axios Systems)
> We don't mind if ticket numbers are new, we prefer it really, as long as we
> can store the old ticket number in a CF (which I believe we can).
> What would be the best way to import the data?
> Can we use the command-line RT functions or do we have to do some database
> magic? (I'm not a database wizard so we'd have to find someone for that lol)
> The reason why I'm asking this is mainly to get some information about the
> migration process before hand, such information would safe me allot of time
> later on.
> So any information that would point us in the right direction would be
> helpful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Bart

Hi Bart,

I would take a look at the Tools->Offline and see if you can generate
an appropriate text file for import from your CSV. I used that method
to create several thousand tickets at one shot.


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