On 06/24/2011 11:12 AM, Dario Landazuri wrote:
> I'm beginning to investigate migrating our RT backing database from
> MySQL to Postgres to more easily take advantage of full text search,
> which a couple of my coworkers really want.
> There apparently used to be a page on the wiki for doing this which has
> since been deleted for being out-of-date.  My google-fu looks to be a
> little weak this morning and hasn't turned up much - I have not tried to
> search the list archives directly yet.  I was wondering if anyone has
> done this and has notes or advice to offer.

RT stores Attachment data differently on MySQL and Pg.  MySQL has
binary-safe blobs and Pg doesn't, so we use base64 and quoted-printable
encodings (depending on content) on Pg.  You'll likely need to do this
conversion yourself and update the relevant metadata columns.

This is the most prominent pain point, but there may be others like it too.

If you do this successfully, it'd be awesome if you wrote down your
steps, problem areas, etc and put it up on the wiki.  I suspect many
folks are going to start migrating to Pg due to the easier FTS setup.


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