On Sun, 2011-06-26 at 18:53 +0200, hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> so far everything worked.
> I had my previous pg in /opt/rt3, but for upgrade purposes I did cp -av
> /opt/rt3 /opt/rt4
> [snip]
> Questions are:
> 1. what did I screw?

>From docs/UPGRADING-4.0:
        You really shouldn't install RT4 into your RT3 source tree
        (/opt/rt3) and instead should be using make install to set up a
        clean environment. This will allow you to evaluate your local
        modifications and configuration changes as you migrate to 4.0.
        If you choose to force RT to install into /opt/rt3, or another
        existing RT 3.x install location, you will encounter issues
        because we removed the _Overlay files (such as
        Ticket_Overlay.pm) and relocated other files.  You will need to
        manually remove these files after the upgrade or RT will fail.
        After making a complete backup of your /opt/rt3 install, you
        might use a command like the following to remove the _Overlay
            find /opt/rt3/lib/ -type f -name '*_Overlay*' -delete

 - Alex

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