On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 01:10:07PM -0500, Jared Lynn wrote:
> I am upgrading from RT3.8.10 to RT4.* and have completed the entire
> upgrade up to the point of getting Apache2 to recognize the new
> location of RT.
> In 3.8.10, I point the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file to:
> "Include /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf
> RedirectMatch ^/$ /rt"
> What do I replace in the default file to point apache to the new interface?
> RT4 resides in /opt/rt4/
> I hope that gives enough information for a solution. I have been
> through the /docs and read the web-deployment file and all other
> upgrade documentation and still no go...
> I know just enough about Apache to be considered dangerous and not
> enough to actually understand what I'm messing up.

You have to follow the mod_perl2 directions in docs/web_deployment.pod
or use the request-tracker4 packages that are available in debian
testing (since you appear to be using packages for 3.8)


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