On 10/17/2011 01:13 PM, Joachim Thuau wrote:
You missed docs/customizing/articles_introduction.pod

It covers exactly the case you're discussing

I have read that last week, and looked at it again this morning.

I have successfully created an article last week. But I can't update
content. Shouldn't there be some sort of textfield for me to put the
article content into?
(that was my problem).

From the doc Kevin mentioned:

  =head2 Custom Fields

  Articles don't have a single "body" section for each
  article. Everything is a custom field (except for name, summary and
  some other basic metadata). So, you need to create some custom
  fields to hold the Article body and other data.  These Custom Fields
  should have "Applies To" be "RTFM Articles".

  Once you've created your custom fields, go into your classes and click
  on "Custom Fields" and add the Custom Fields you want to each class.
  Alternatively, use the Applies To link from each Custom Field.

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*  Washington DC, USA  October 31 & November 1, 2011
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