
I've created a bash script which will do what I want it to do, using the RT
Tool since this ended up being the easiest for me (I'll look into improving
this further, but for now this works).

Below the code of what I've created:


for i in `/opt/rt4/bin/rt ls -t ticket "Status!='resolved' and
Status!='rejected' and Status!='spam' and Status!='deleted'" -f status |
grep ^[0-9] | cut -f 1`; do
  status=`/opt/rt4/bin/rt ls -t ticket "id=$i" -f status | grep ^[0-9] |
cut -f 2`
  cnew=`/opt/rt4/bin/rt ls -t ticket "id=$i" -f CF-'Counter New' | grep
^[0-9] | cut -f 2`
  copen=`/opt/rt4/bin/rt ls -t ticket "id=$i" -f CF-'Counter Open' | grep
^[0-9] | cut -f 2`
  if [ "$status" = "new" ]
    cnew=$(( $cnew + 5 ))
    /opt/rt4/bin/rt edit ticket/$i set CF-'Counter New'=$cnew
  if [ "$status" = "open" ]
    copen=$(( $copen + 5 ))
    /opt/rt4/bin/rt edit ticket/$i set CF-'Counter Open'=$copen

In the for statement I'm listing all the ticket ID's.
Then I'm extracting specific fields from the ticket by looking it up, I've
found that I need to somehow do it this way because when fields are empty
the entire scrip kinda breaks (e.g. if I put the output into an array, the
array expects space separated input and it will not understand when 1 field
is empty).

Thus, even if it's kinda ugly I request information three times.

>From there an if statement checks the ticket status, for each status it
will do almost the same (again, I'll probably make this nicer) and increase
the value of the counter CF by 5 (for 5 minutes).

The downside of this script is that it isn't exactly "fast", takes roughly
1 second for each ticket. In our case a typical daily "active" tickets in
queue are roughly 120 so it will take 2 minutes to run. Since we run it
every 5 minutes this is (barely) within the allowed time.

As for improvements, next step is to make this scrip faster and probably do
things via the RT-Crontool.

But for now I'm happy with this :-) (this gives me some time to think-up a
better solution)

-- Bart

Op 23 november 2011 20:29 schreef Bart <b...@pleh.info> het volgende:

> Did some reading on the RT-Tool page (
> http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/UseRtTool ) and found this command:
> bin/rt list -i "Queue = 'testqueue'" | bin/rt edit - set status=resolved
> I'm lacking the documentation and our test environment a.t.m. (am at
> home). So I'll do some experimenting in the test environment tomorrow at
> work, hopefully it will show me some nice results ^_^
> -- Bart
> Op 23 november 2011 19:57 schreef Bart <b...@pleh.info> het volgende:
> Hi Yan,
>> I'll also have a look at the rt script and see if I can manage it using
>> that, thanks :)
>> -- Bart
>> Op 23 november 2011 19:50 schreef Yan Seiner <y...@seiner.com> het
>> volgende:
>> Wouldn't this work (snippet from a bigger script):
>>> # and set custom fields
>>> /opt/rt4/bin/rt edit ticket/${ticket} set
>>> 'CF.{contractor}'="${contractor}"
>>> /opt/rt4/bin/rt edit ticket/${ticket} set 'CF.{amount}'="${amount}"
>>> That's how I set custom fields.  You could get the value that way,
>>> increment it or whatever in a script, and then set it again.
>>> On Wed, November 23, 2011 10:23 am, Bart wrote:
>>> > Hi Kevin,
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for the reply,
>>> >
>>> > Guess I'll have to learn Perl a bit more then and experiment a little
>>> with
>>> > this.
>>> >
>>> > Will post the results once I've gained some progress.
>>> >
>>> > -- Bart
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Op 23 november 2011 18:08 schreef Kevin Falcone
>>> > <falc...@bestpractical.com>het volgende:
>>> >
>>> >> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 05:25:01PM +0100, Bart wrote:
>>> >> >    I've then created a simple rt-crontool command to see if I could
>>> >> find
>>> >> a ticket and if I could
>>> >> >    set a value when I found that ticket. This worked as well, below
>>> >> the
>>> >> result:
>>> >> >    /opt/rt4/bin/rt-crontool \
>>> >> >            --search RT::Search::FromSQL \
>>> >> >            --search-arg "status = 'open'" \
>>> >> >            --action RT::Action::SetPriority --action-arg 3 \
>>> >> >            --verbose
>>> >> >    So now for the question(s):
>>> >> >
>>> >> >      * First a simple one, how do I set a value for a custom field?
>>> >> >      * And the more difficult one, how do I increase a value instead
>>> >> of
>>> >> replacing it? (adding +
>>> >> >        or something like that doesn't seem to work)
>>> >> >
>>> >> >    Hopefully this is possible with the rt-crontool, if not then I'd
>>> >> like
>>> >> to hear your thoughts on
>>> >> >    how I'd be able to do the above in a different manner.
>>> >>
>>> >> Unfortunately, you'll need to write your own RT::Action to change the
>>> CF
>>> >>
>>> >> You could turn this into a pretty trivial perl script using the RT API
>>> >> and calling $tickets->FromSQL("status = 'open'") and then iterating
>>> >> the list to call AddCustomFieldValue
>>> >>
>>> >> -kevin
>>> >>
>>> >> --------
>>> >> RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html
>>> )
>>> >> *  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > !DSPAM:4ecd3a6094962612618147!
>>> > --------
>>> > RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
>>> > *  Barcelona, Spain ? November 28 & 29, 2011
>>> >
>>> > !DSPAM:4ecd3a6094962612618147!
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year,
>>> but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If
>>> I quit, however, it lasts forever.
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