I've read and re-read docs/UPGRADING*.

Things are going quite smoothly so far, as this is a
pretty stock old install of 3.4.2 heading to 4.0.4
on a totally different box.


Importing the old MySQL 'rt3' database as 'rt4'

How?  Edit the dump file?

Thanks for any further help!

On 12/22/2011 4:55 PM, Thomas Sibley wrote:
On 12/22/2011 03:45 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
Before I waste a bunch of time, is there any chance this
is likely to work?

1. Dump all RT 3.4.2 data from MySQL 4.1 (database 'rt3')
2. Stand up new server with RT 4.x and modern MySQL
3. Import old data

Not with just those steps, but yes, of course you can upgrade from 3.4.2
to 4.0.4.  Carefully read and follow the instructions in the
UPGRADING-4.0 documentation.

You have a large upgrade ahead of you, but it's well documented and
fairly straightforward.
http://blog.bestpractical.com/2011/07/upgrading-to-rt-4.html is a gentle
introduction, but it does not try to cover all of the individual steps
you'll need to take, just the general process.

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5&  6, 2012

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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