On Feb 6, 2012, at 7:34 AM, Jim Lesinski<jim.lesin...@gmail.com>

Hi Joe, that's good information but I am looking to be able to use
the web service to populate the autocomplete values for one
specific RT CustomField within RT. When you are setting up a custom
field the screen even says that you can use a web service to
populate the field's values, but I am not sure how to do that and I
cannot find documentation.

Thanks, Jim Lesinski


I believe you've misread the RT CustomField definition screen.
I've never used this feature before, but I read and interpret
it as follows:

It says (emphasis mine):

    RT can make this *custom field's values into hyperlinks to
    another service*. Fill in this field with a URL. RT will
    replace __id__ and __CustomField__ with the record's id
    and the custom field's value, respectively.

Let's say your CF is "Employee Number".

So, if you set "Link values to" as:


If I typed '430' into this CF as a value (as an end user),
it would show as a clickable link:


Jeff Blaine
RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012

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