On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:02:34AM +0100, Bart wrote:
>    It seems to be something with the HTML Quoted.pm file, thats the common 
> factor on all errors.
>    I just don't have a clue on where to find the solution.

Which version of HTML::Quoted are you running.  You should also be
able to safely remove HTML::Quoted from the system and RT will run
without it if it causes problems.  You'll lose functionality though.

>    Since the problem comes up randomly it's a little difficult to figure out 
> what's causing it,
>    I'm assuming that it might be the plugin "RT::Extension::HistoryFilter" 
> but turing that one
>    off will affect the user experience allot.
>    Also, we can't seem to reproduce the error in our testing environment, 
> which uses the same
>    plugins and an almost identical configuration.

Unless you can replicate load in testing, I don't know if you'll be
able to do a simple test case.

>    In addition, I'm getting a bunch of errors in the apache logs for RT. 
> Though I'm not sure if
>    they are related: (snippets of the most common errors, they happen quite 
> allot, especially the
>    last one listed)
>      Error while loading /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server: Since your configuration 
> exists
>      (/opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm) but is not writable, I'm refusing to do 
> anything.\n,
>      referer: [1]https://rt......

This error implies that RT cannot talk to your database, which could
be causing lots of problems.  Look for the error that comes before it
in the logs.

>      Apache2::RequestIO::rflush: (103) Software caused connection abort at
>      /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Plack/Handler/Apache2.pm line 153, referer: 
> [2]https://rt......

Traditionally this is "someone hit the stop button".


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* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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