On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 08:54:00PM +0000, Jourdan Perla wrote:
>    Install of RT3.8 on Ubuntu 10.4 LTS.
>    I'm getting that pesky "302 Found" error as I'm trying to push mail into 
> my queues using
>    rt-mailqueue.
>    I've done the usual Googling and wiki hunts, and I've run out of options.
>    - Aliases are working fine, it's a rt-mailgate error.
>    - Plack is up to date (0.9985).
>    - There's no extra '/'. It's finding rt-mailgate fine.
>    - Not configured for SSL. That's on my to-do list, and if I need to bump 
> that up, I will.
>    Command : /usr/bin/rt-mailgate --queue myqueue --action correspond --url
>    http://myserver.com/rt -debug < test.msg
>    Output:
>    /usr/bin/rt-mailgate: temp file is '/tmp/TykSIIvN17'
>    /usr/bin/rt-mailgate: connecting to 
> http://myserver.com/rt/REST/1.0/NoAuth/mail-gateway
>    An Error Occurred
>    =================
>    302 Found
>    /usr/bin/rt-mailgate: undefined server error
>    Thoughts?

What's in the RT logs.

What's your test.msg.

Also, Plack is only used in RT4


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* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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