On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 04:02:22PM -0400, Ethier, Michael wrote:
> We would like RT to send email such that all the requestors and cc's are 
> included on one email.
> Right now it appears RT sends and email to each individual separately, 
> consequently people don't know
> If others received RT's email.
> Is there a way to configure RT such that everyone involved in a ticket is 
> included in 1 email ?

RT doesn't send each email individually, in fact, the RT default is to
'Notify Requestors and Ccs' as one group email.

We'd actually like to start emailing people individually in a future
release because it would solve a ton of problems.

If you set up a reply and scroll down the page, you'll see a box
explaining who RT is going to notify (you need to have the
ShowOutgoingMail right to see this).  That box should explain who's
going to be notified and why.


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