On Thu, Feb 07, 2013 at 08:58:33AM -0500, Joshua Lansford wrote:
> Thanks to whoever credit is due for the RT program.  I have been
> looking for a while for a bug tracking system I could convince my
> company to use.  I am now rolling out RT for our company and almost
> everyone I talk to about it is excited to use it.  I believe the
> main contributing factor is the high integration with email.  This
> allows me to place RT inline with existing communication and support
> practices with minimal retraining.
> I have discovered the multiple image custom field option.  After the
> procedure for uploading the image completes and I click on the file
> name I get RT Error Corrupted customfieldvalue URL.  By Googling I
> have discovered that the max filesize of an attachment is  512KB.
> http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4272898
> However even when restricting my upload to images below this size
> the same error occurs.

Hi Joshua,

This is documentation for an MIT setup about their local limits.
You can set "MaxAttachmentSize" in your RT_SiteConfig.pm to whatever
size you need AND can support within your DB backend. We have ours
set to 10^7:

Set($MaxAttachmentSize , 10000000);

Obviously, the MIT setup has that set to 512KB instead.


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