Hi Kevin,

I can't understand that my scrip didn't work for you as we use this
scrip in our RT without any problem.

If you change your line
    unless $l->BaseObj->HasUnresolvedDependencies;
the parent ticket is only open until all child tickets are resolved.


Am 06.02.2013 20:36, schrieb Kevin Comer:
> Christian,
> I tried this script you sent and was not able to get any results.
> The script in the first post does work, just not in the way we would like.
> we would like for the script to not fire until all the tickets have been
> resolved.
> How can I modify this script?
> Condition: On Status Change
>      Action: User Defined
>  Template: Global Template Blank
> Customer action: return 1;
> Custom action cleanup code:
>    return 1 if ($self->TransactionObj->NewValue !~
> /^(?:resolved|deleted|rejected)$/);
>    my $DepOnBy = $self->TicketObj->DependedOnBy;
>    while( my $l = $DepOnBy->Next ) {
>      next unless( $l->BaseURI->IsLocal );
>      next unless( $l->BaseObj->Status =~ /^(?:new|open|stalled)$/ );
>      # here you can add any action
>      # see also example below
>      $l->BaseObj->SetStatus('open');
>    }
>    $DepOnBy = undef;
>    return 1;
> Kevin Comer

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