On 02/11/2013 06:54 PM, April Rosenberg wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I am running 4.0.5 on Ubuntu.  After creating queries and going to the
> chart options.  I cannot print the charts out, it is the title and the
> rest is a blank page in IE and Firefox.  There are no errors in the
> apache logs and the charts appear fine.  This is true of pie and bar
> charts.  I have tried searching, but most info is about display being
> broken as well as printing.  I am using the default template, with a
> change in color on css only.
> Does anyone have any ideas?

The print stylesheet is specifically hiding all content on the Charts
page, but I'm not sure why.  It's a holdover from an older print
stylesheet (before the new one in 4.0.5), and I suspect it's a mistake
and hiding too much by accident.

Try applying this patch:

   curl -s https://github.com/bestpractical/rt/commit/ed77c63.patch \
       | patch -p1 -d /opt/rt4

and then clearing your Mason cache and restarting RT.  You'll need to
clear your browser cache (or force reload the page) as well since it
will aggressively cache the print styles.

I expect the patch above will be in the next release of RT.

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