Thanks Kevin,
I can't click on that link when it pops up (although since I was using a
terminal I didn't realize it was a link to begin with), and using make
initialize-database tells me it can't connect, access denied for user root.
Is there anything else I'm missing?

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Kevin Falcone <>wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 02:42:30PM -0400, Jessica Reuter wrote:
> >    I'm trying to install RT on Linux, and I got all the dependencies to
> work, used make install
> >    to install RT, and changed But, I can't get the web
> server set up properly.
> >    When I try to set it up by running /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server, I'm told
> that "RT couldn't connect
> >    to the database where tickets are stored" and "Connect failed access
> denied for user
> >    'rt_user'@''localhost' using password YES".
> >
> >    Then, the program hangs, and I have control-C out of it.
> >
> >    I changed my root user name and password in and
> checked my permissions, but I
> >    can't figure out what's going on. If anyone could help me out, I'd
> appreciate it.
> You appear to have skipped over the rest of that message:
>     RT couldn't connect to the database where tickets are stored.
>     If this is a new installation of RT, you should visit the URL below
>     to configure RT and initialize your database.
> Look at the end of it, you'll see something like:
>     HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:8084/
> which you can click on.
> Of course, the easier way to get your database set up is simply to
> follow the manual portion of 6a in the readme and type
> make initialize-database to set up your database.
> -kevin

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