On 05/21/2013 06:55 AM, dfri...@qcol.net wrote:
> I am currently running RT 3.8.16 and all appears to be working fine. I
> have decided to upgrade to RT 4.0.0.

Why 4.0.0 and not 4.0.12?  .12 contains two years of bugfixes.  There is
no reason to upgrade to something less.

> There are a few other differences in the users database between rt3 & rt4.
> I have tried to follow the README, UPGRADING & UPGRADING.mysql directions
> but cannot find that the new database SCHEMA has changed during these
> processes.

Did you run `make upgrade-database`?  It sounds very much like you
didn't run any database upgrades at all.

Please re-read the README, paying attention to step 6(b) and UPGRADING-4.0:


Perhaps this will be useful:

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20: http://bestpractical.com/training

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