On 17 May 2013, at 10:45, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 6:37 PM, saxmad <g.ma...@fairfx.com> wrote:

I'm on Postgres 9.2 on Debian Wheezy.

So is this a Postgres issue or an RT upgrade issue ?

Both. RT uses something that is deleted. Pg deleted something that is used
by software.

More precisely, they removed something from a system catalog -- the spclocation column in the description of tablespaces -- which was statically set at tablespace creation time and could be invalidated silently by an innocent & plausible admin oversight, and replaced the functionality with something else -- the pg_tablespace_location() function -- which provides the same information determined dynamically at runtime. Note that the internal structure of Pg system catalogs is an area where software developers and sysadmins should expect to find change across major releases and this was a well-documented change with public discussion before it was made and during the 9.2 beta period.

IOW: A documented change in Pg 9.2 fixed a design error that needed fixing.

The OPERATIONALLY focused answer is simpler: You must update the Perl module DBD::Pg to v2.19.3 to get compatibility with PostgreSQL 9.2 and later.

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