On 07/10/2013 12:49 PM, Nathan Cutler wrote:
>> What LDAP server are you running?
> I don't know. It (the server) is not under my control, so I'll just
> have to stick with kludge I've been using until now.

You might contact the admins of the server and ask if they can enable
the paging extension or something.  It's strange that it's not
supported; it's been around for _ages_.

> By the way, do I understand the docs correctly that the LDAPImport
> extension has no way of defining a chain of several LDAP servers,
> similar to what the RT::Authen::ExternalAuth does?

Correct.  You can work around this by using tricks like invoking
rtldapimport with an environment variable that you then check with code
in RT_SiteConfig.pm to dynamically determine which LDAP config to use.

Then you invoke rtldapimport one time from cron for each value of the
environment flag.

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