On 07/24/2013 01:02 PM, Kenneth Crocker wrote:
> I have an IMAC with Windows 7 running on "Parallels". Is it possible to
> install RT into that environment? If so, what are the system
> requirements and do you have a good set of installation instructions for
> this

If your iMac is running a vaguely recent version of Mac OS X then RT
should be fairly easy to install natively on your mac.

See the Mac OS X section of
http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/InstallationGuides for hints, but
be aware that these guides are unofficial and may be outdated.

The official documentation here: http://bestpractical.com/docs/rt/4.0/
is probably the best starting point.

Make sure you have a suitable Perl version installed, download unpack
the RT source code, run "make fixdeps" to make sure you have appropriate
Perl modules, and generally follow the install guide.

As far as I know the RT server its self doesn't run on Windows.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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