Thanks for that Kevin,

not the first time - a silly little mistake had me scratching my head. I had in my Apache config a rewrite rule for /rt and had the wrong value in RT_Siteconfig for Set($WebPath, '');

So I now get my logon screen but cannot log in.

I did run the password updater:

   root@rt4:/opt/rt4# perl /opt/rt4/etc/upgrade/vulnerable-passwords --fix
   Upgrading 16 users...

I am assuming that I can't just UPDATE the passwords in MySQL because of the hashing? I tried without success:

   mysql> UPDATE rtdb.Users SET Password=PASSWORD('xxxx') WHERE
   Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
   Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 1

I guess I have missed something in these upgrade README files. I do appreciate your help. Now that I've the Apache thing sorted I'm feeling like on the home stretch - if only I can sort these passwords out. Is there another related script I missed perhaps?


Paul O'Rorke
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On 07/30/2013 07:42 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 02:30:35PM -0700, Paul O'Rorke wrote:
    In the meanwhile I am finding that after running make upgrade-database 
(took me through all
    the upgrades from 3.8.4 to 4.0.15) and then trying to set up Apache again 
I'm running into a
    loop on the login page.  If I run Apache I don't get a login page at all.  
If I stop Apache
    and start
Are you running your 3.8 Apache config or a new 4.0 config.
We can't help debug that problem without seeing error logs or a


    then I get:
You don't say what you did to cause this.  Load the login page?
Attempt to log in?  There are clearly a few actions mixed in there.

Also - did you run the password updater, either as a security fix back
in 3.8 or more recently as part of the upgrade?


    Reason: your browser did not supply a Referrer header
    [Mon Jul 29 21:25:46 2013] [notice]: Marking original destination as having 
    before redirecting for login.
    Request: /rt/NoAuth/Login.html?next=d820f5cbf943dfe116cbee257b840411
    Reason: your browser did not supply a Referrer header
    [Mon Jul 29 21:26:00 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for root from
    [Mon Jul 29 21:26:12 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for rtuser from
    I'm assuming I've not actually managed to get my database upgraded properly 
as I'm very
    confident of the credentials used (tried others as well that worked in 
3.8.4).  After running
    make upgrade-database do I still need to do the individual upgrades in each 
of the README
    files for the various updates or does make upgrade-database effectively do 
the same?

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