
We got rid of the "On Correspond Open Tickets" Scrip to avoid tickets being
reopened because of those type of responses.  Is that an option for you, or
would you like your tickets to re-open?


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Tom Leslein <> wrote:

> I am trying to find a way to allow my Tier 1 team to resolve tickets
> without stealing tickets.
> At this point if someone works on a ticket for two days, or 1 hour, and
> completes the ticket, the client usually replies back with a thank you or
> “Yup, everything is good to go.”
> I do not want another Tier 1 person to have to Steal the ticket to resolve
> it.
> One caveat about this request is that I know there is a permission out
> there, “Edit Ticket”, but that gives them a lot more features which I do
> not want them to have.  Specifically, being able to reply to any ticket
> even if they are not the owner.
> Kind of long winded but hopefully someone can help.

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