Same situation here, use this plugin

Custom Fields to not mandatory on creating new ticket, then set plugin
options to force mandatory CF on any or specific transaction, change of
status (ex, for closed ticket - fields have to be mandatory) 


W dniu 2014-02-04 11:07, Paul Stead napisał(a): 

> Hello,
Running RT 4.0.17 on Debian.
> We're trying to use RT across the
company as our main ticketing system. This requires other departments to
raise tickets into our queue.
> We have two mandatory ticket custom
fields in this queue for us to internally categorise tickets. 
> Our
standard users do not have rights to "View custom field values" or
"Modify custom field values" and indeed cannot see or set these fields
in the Create Ticket view.
> When the user attempts to raise the
ticket, RT seems to be checking for the validity of these custom fields,
even though the user has no ability to set them.
> Raising via email
works as expected, but our users are used to the RT interface and prefer
to raise this way.
> Is this expected behaviour? How might I work
around this? 
> Paul
> --
> Paul Stead
> Systems Engineer, Zen
> T: 01706 902009

Bartosz Maciejewski

Agri Plus Sp. z o.o.
ul.Marcelińska 92/94
tel: 061 665 79 77
gsm: 666 866 549

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