Dne 7.2.2014 17:52, Kevin Falcone napsal(a):
Thanks for your response. I am not necessarily looking for an easy way
to make RT do my bidding and upgrade is not an option right now. In a
way, I do not really need to use the template at all, incoming messages
are formated just as I want them to be.

On Create Notify Requestors with template Corresopnd

which will relay your mail to the requestors during creation.
Your Scrip is honestly likely to cause all the problems you saw.

Or just set your requestors and then correspond on the ticket with
your content.

Correspond template is not working for me as I would like it to work - i.e. in the template I have RT-Attach-Message: Yes, but if I don't supply body in the text of the template (because I don't want to insert any other text, except the one I have received), no mail is sent.

Can I do something with it?

Another thing is a the RT-Ataach-Message mechanism. If I take a look at the sent message from within the RT I see two RT-Attachment headers. Does that mean that those two attachments are going to be sent separately and not inside multipart/alternative?

4.2 will do a better job of not mangling your mail.  Reading the
outgoing mail transaction though is almost guaranteed to fail.
Just use normal RT correspond actions.

By outgoing mail transaction, do you mean the Correspondence transaction? Because I have previously altered the Notify.pm scrip (albeit to much lesser extent) to add one special attachment to each outgoing e-mail and I had no problems with it at all...


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