I see that you want to still accept email replies, so disabling the email
address is not suitable.

You might be able to play with rights, e.g. disabling the Create Ticket
right for the Everyone group, but RT might still link incoming ticket
creation mail to a privileged user by looking at the "From:" address of the

I guess you want web creation only because the web interface presents
custom fields.

You could write a scrip that runs on ticket creation, checks for the
correct entry of custom fields, and if there's a problem, sends a reply
instructing the user to try again using the web form and closes the ticket
as rejected.  Would that be suitable?

On Sat, 6 Dec 2014 12:20 am Fredrik Rambris <fredrik.ramb...@cdon.com>

> Hi, everybody.
> We run an old RT3 and we would like to change how users submit tickets.
> Today they mail in tickets. We want to force them to submit via a web
> form that then create the tickets with the required information.
> They should be able to add correspondance to an existing ticket as usual.
> I know how to make the webform thingy create tickets via CLI. I just
> want to disable ticket creation via email.
> rt: "|/usr/sbin/rt-mailgate --queue 'General' --action correspond ....
> How can this be done?
> [CDON.COM] <http://www.cdon.com>

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