Hi there,

Our RT instances have this basic conf:
RT 4.2.9, CentOS 6.6, mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.22, for Linux (x86_64)

We are trying to restrict rights as much as possible for "external" users
(those having access
to RT via a custom web application.)

In terms of group rights, this is what we would like to have:
1. Everyone    -> CreateTicket + ReplyToTicket
2. Privileged   -> None (empty)
3. Requestors -> CreateTicket + ReplyToTicket + SeeCustomField + ShowTicket
+ ModifyCustomField + ModifyTicket

However, these conf especially Privileged->None seems to be blocking access
to custom

Doing a little research I found this:

Is the user who is logging in via REST marked as Privileged in the
admin UI?  If not, they don't have access.  You'll either need to
allow Unprivileged users access in the config or mark your users

So, after marking external users as privileged I found that the
configuration shown above
still doesn't work, only after setting Privileged->SeeCustomField +

Shouldn't the fact that users are 'Requestor' be enough to let them
read/write custom fields?

Hugo Escobar


4770 Biscayne Blvd, Ste 700
Miami, FL 33137

main: 305.677.0022
support: 305.921.4620
email: hesco...@afslc.com

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