On 12 Mar 2015, at 18:41, Michael Jablonski wrote:

Hello everyone,

I currently have RT 4.2.9 installed. I have the ability for our customers to log in and view their open and resolved tickets. This all works great and they can comment, reply and change the status on their tickets. However my issue is this: in the URL "domain.tld/SelfService/Display.html?id= 1503120001 ". After the id= it displays the ticket number. If I am a cleaver user I can easily understand the ticketing number and change it to 1503110001 and see the ticket that belongs to someone else, and they have the ability to comment, reply etc.

I am looking for a way to either
1) Not have the ticket number displayed in the URL

Entirely infeasible, also not a solution, since it only slightly raises the cleverness bar. RT depends on having unique URLs for tickets.

2) Not have the ability to view other tickets that do not belong to the user logged in

That's what you get with the default Rights configuration. You may have assigned overly-permissive Rights to the System groups "Everyone" and/or "Unprivileged." On the Admin/Global/GroupRights.html page, uncheck 'View ticket summaries' (ShowTicket) for those groups. Unprivileged users should only get a ShowTicket Right by way of having a Requestor or Cc role. You should also confirm that those roles DO have it granted.

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