On Apr 16, 2015, at 1:28 PM, Jeremy Wilson <jwil...@androsna.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running RT 4.2.9 on centos release 6.6 (final).  I have tried many, many 
> times to get RT::Authen::ExternalAuth to work and I am unsuccessful.  Active 
> directory 2008 R2.  I have looked at almost every web page I can find on the 
> subject, and have tried multiple configurations.  I have made it to the point 
> of giving up on the extension, and just having a separate username and 
> password.  I want all users except myself and one other to be unprivileged, 
> which I have already setup permissions for unprivileged users to create and 
> comment on their tickets.  I was disappointed to learn that RT does not have 
> a self-registration page, or a bulk input for users.
> What I would like to do is, create CVS file with username and password, then 
> import into mysql database.  Can anyone point me in the direction of know 
> what tables and fields need to be populated to create a user in mysql that 
> the user will use to log into web interface of RT?
> We will not be utilizing the mail function and it is not an option.

Why not just create users using the bin/rt utility?

/opt/rt4/bin/rt create -t users add Name=userName 
EmailAddress=em...@address.com Password=password

More information can be found here:

Landon Stewart : lstew...@iweb.com
Lead Specialist, Abuse and Security Management
Spécialiste principal, gestion des abus et sécurité
http://iweb.com : +1 (888) 909-4932

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